Monday, April 9, 2012

Female, at 93, hangs up her driving mitts

By Cornelius Nunev

Rachel Veitch, one of the country's oldest drivers, has been driving the same vehicle since 1964. But time changes everything, and a week ago, Veitch told reporters that she has driven her last.

Put a lot of miles on it

With over 576,000 miles clocked, Orlando, Fla.-resident Veitch might have driven to the moon, back again and then some in the 48-year-old Mercury Comet Caliente she calls "the Chariot." But at 93, her eyes are just not what they used to be. After running what she termed a "bald-faced red light" earlier this month, she has decided her days behind the wheel are done.

Media spotlight

A couple of years ago, Veitch was in the media for having the Chariot at 559,000 miles. The vehicle lasted through three sets of shock absorbers, eight mufflers, 18 batters and three husbands. She loved the car. She appeared on the Tonight show with Jay Leno at that time.

The Chariot suffered only one accident in its long life. It was a rear-end collision in 1980, and Veitch was unhurt.

Kept automobile well

The Chariot cost Veitch $3,289 in the winter of 1964. She has kept it in immaculate condition and kept complete records of every little thing, maintenance-wise. Her devotion to the Chariot is no doubt the secret to its longevity.

Future of Chariot unclear

The real question is where the Chariot will go from here. Veitch is happy about putting it down to rest:

Veitch is hoping to get an offer from Leno on the vehicle after having it in a vehicle show in Wisconsin in July.

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