Friday, April 6, 2012

How To Deal With Squealing Brakes

By Ilechukwu Magnus

Squealing brakes do have lovely sound. The truth is that such sound is annoying. For most car owners, it is like nails on a chalkboard.

Squealing brakes has to be taken care of as soon as possible though. It is true that this sound comes due to the application of light to moderate brake pressure but it can also be serious sometimes. However, there are some ways through which you can ensure that squealing brakes don't cause you an arm or a leg.

Benefits Of Using A Quality Brake Cleaner- How To Get Rid Of Brake Squeal

You hear the squeal sound when the leading edge of the brake pad is touching the rotor. As this happens, the brake pads twists forcing the trailing edge of the pad away from the rotor. While changing the brake pads is the major step towards getting rid of this problem, there are still other factors that must be considered.

Changing The Brake Pads- Don't think that changing the brake pads along will bring a stop to this problem. You will find that all brake pads are not alike. While buying brake pads, you need those that are specifically designed to stop squealing. Other aspects to consider are whether the pads are easy on the rotors and resistant to fading.

Rotors- If you experienced any pulsing from your brakes, you might need to replace the rotors or have them machined while you are replacing the brake pads. It is necessary that you examine the rotor before you spend your money on new ones. There may be no need for replacement if they are not too thin or deeply affected. You can just have them cleaned with some brake cleaner.

How To Clean Callipers With Brake Cleaner- Examine Callipers- Check that your callipers are sliding freely on their guide pins and take the time to press in the piston. The piston should move smoothly as well. If the piston did not move smoothly, then you need to take steps to have it fixed. Start by cleaning out the old grease and apply new grease to the pistons. You will then need to ensure that no part of the rubber parts of the calliper is torn and ensure that there is no rust as well.

Ensure Cleanliness- If truly you want to avoid brake squealing, it is important that you keep your brake as clean as possible. It is obvious that dirt and dust can contribute to this squealing sound. Use brake cleaner on all your brake parts and make sure your pads, brakes, rotors, and callipers are all cleaner before you begin reassembly.

Ensure A Brake In- It is important that you give these parts time to adjust when you finish re-assembling them. For the first 80 kilometres, it is necessary that you take it easy on the brake pads. To this end, they can seat without gliding over.

Are you tired of the sound of your squealing brake? With a little time, some brake cleaner, and some new brake pads, you may not have to hear that annoying squeal ever again. Well, it will definitely take good care of this now, until it is time to change the brake pad again. Looking for the best brake cleaner for your vehicle

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